Taekwondo proficiency badges.
We are now awarding badges to wear on your Doboks for correct proficiency in Taekwondo techniques.
Each month a different badge is up for grabs and don't worry if you miss a badge, all you have to do is ask an instructor and tell them the badge you wish to pass and you can take it at any time.
Can you collect them all?
This months badge is the inner forearm middle block (An Palmok Makgi):

This months badge is the side kick badge:
To earn this months badge students must be able to demonstrate a good side kick both with and without pads. The kicking tool is the footsword.
Side kick - Yop cha jirugi
Footsword - Balkal
This months badge is the pumch badge:
To gain your punch badge you must be able to perform it in a good walking stance (see walking stance badge) and perform it midsection (kaunde) and high section (nopunde) both obverse (baro jirugi).
Demonstrate a good fist using the forefist (ap joomuk)
If you have a good stance as well as the punch you will also achieve your walking stance badge!
This months badge is the Sit-up badge.
To obtain the sit-up badge, you must be able to do ten sit-ups with good technique, whilst counting to ten in Korean.
This months badge is the Turning Kick badge.
This months badge of the month is the Rising block badge.
To achieve this badge you must be able to perform the block in walking stance forwards and backwards x 10 times plus remember the Korean name for the block.
Outer forearm rising block.
Bakat Palmok Chookyo Makgi.
Hand position inside.
Body position full facing.
The main purpose of this technique is to block the opponent's hand, foot or weapon directed towards the head, although it is frequently used against a punch or side piercing kick directed against the bridge of the nose and area above.

This months badge of the month is the press-up badge.
In order to achieve your badge, you must know the Korean word for press-ups - "momtong bachia" and be able to perform the following, all with the correct technique.
Little Dragons 5 press ups
Juniors up to 5th kup 10 press ups
Juniors 4th kup & above 15 press ups
Who will be the first to achieve their badge this month?
This months badge of the month is "front snap kick".
Students must perform 10 kicks forwards in L Stance plus 5 kicks on each leg on pads, all using the ball of the foot.
You must know ball of the foot (ap kumchi) and front snap kick (ap chabusigi) in Korean.
Who will be the first to achieve their badge this month?
This months badge is the sitting stance badge. In order to achieve the badge students must be able to:
Display correct sitting stance and hold for 30 seconds.
Practice blocks and punches for the next 30 seconds whilst using knee spring in sitting stance.
Information that will help you-
Sitting Stance (annun sogi)
One and a half’s shoulders width wide.
Feet parallel.
Weight distribution is 50/50.

Congratulations to Levi Annabelle and Corey, the first students to earn their sitting stance badge!

Congratulations to everyone at the Sherborne class for passing their Sitting Stance Badges.