Yul-Gok Tul

5th kup

38 movements

YUL-GOK is the pseudonym of a great philosopher and scholar Yi l (1536-1584) nicknamed the “Confucius of Korea” The 38 movements of this pattern refer to his birthplace on 38 latitude and the diagram represents “scholar”.



  1. Move the left foot to B forming a right L-stance toward B, at the same time executing a middle guarding block to B with a knife-hand.
  2. Move the right foot to B forming a right walking stance toward B while executing a high punch to B with the right fist.
  3. Move the right foot to A turning clockwise to form a left L-stance toward A, at the same time executing a middle guarding block to A with a knife-hand.
  4. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a high punch to A with the left fist.
  5. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a low block to D with the left forearm.
  6. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a high punch to D with the right fist.
  7. Move the left foot to D forming a left walking stance toward D while executing a high punch to D with the left fist.
  8. Move the right foot to D forming a right walking stance toward D while executing a high punch to D with the right fist.
  9. Move the left foot to E, turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward E while executing a twin forearm block to E.
  10. Move the right foot to E forming a right walking stance toward E while executing a high punch to E with the right fist.
  11. Move the right foot to F turning clockwise to form a left L-stance toward F while executing a twin forearm block to F.
  12. Move the left foot to F forming a left walking stance toward F while executing a high punch to F with the left fist.
  13. Move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C while executing a low block to C with the left forearm.
  14. Execute a rising block with the left forearm, maintaining the left walking stance toward C. Perform 13 and 14 in a continuous motion.
  15. Move the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C, at the same time executing a rising block with the right forearm.
  16. Move the left foot to C forming a left walking stance toward C, at the same time executing a rising block with the left forearm.
  17. Move the right foot to C forming a right walking stance toward C, at the same time executing a rising block with the right forearm.
  18. Move the left foot to B turning counter clockwise to form a right L-stance toward B while executing a middle outward strike to B with the left knife-hand.
  19. Move the right foot to B forming a right walking stance toward B while executing a high punch to B with the right fist.
  20. Move the right foot to A turning clockwise to form a left L-stance toward A while executing a middle outward strike to A with the right knife-hand.
  21. Move the left foot to A forming a left walking stance toward A while executing a high punch to A with the left fist.

 END: Bring the left foot back to a ready posture.

Reproduced from Taekwon-Do (The Korean Art of Self Defense)
also known as “The Condensed Encyclopedia.
Fifth Edition 1999, All rights reserved
Copyright 1988, 1991, 1992, 1995, 1999 General Choi, Hong Hi.