
Please note that all the clothing items on this page are made to order and therefore are non-refundable. All orders must be paid for at the time of placing the order, thank you.

A wide selection of colours is available to choose from. When ordering please ask for your prefered colour and we will do our best to match it for you.


Adults Hoodie no zip £35

Kids Hoodie no zip £30


Zip Up Hoodie

Adults Zipped Hoodie £40

Kids Zipped Hoodie £35



Kids Fleece £25

Ladies/Unisex Fleece £30


You can email us with your uniform/clothing requirements in the form below or alternatively you can order in class. Dont forget to supply us with your name and email address and let us know what it is your ordering including sizes and your preferred colour choices where applicable.

It is prefered that payments are made via BACS but cash will be accepted in class if you cannot pay electronically.

Order Form